Christine Carmody
Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Massage for Wellness

MLD for Surgery and Detox


MLD for Surgery


Virtually all orthopedic and cosmetic surgeries can benefit from Pre and Post operative MLD for general health and wellness as well as Lymphedema prevention and treatment.

Incisions from any surgery create lymphatic and blood vessel disruptions causing pain and discomfort from localized swelling and bruising. In response to the disruption and pain receptors the body sends collagen filled fluid to these affected areas along with immune fighting cells to help prevent infection. This is a common inflammatory response that is crucial to the healing process. Due to overly aggressive surgical procedures, the inflammatory response can cause a build up of fluid which can slow the cellular regeneration process further creating more pressure stretching the incisions causing more pain and discomfort.


  • Post Operative (surgical) MLD. MLD at this particular time helps reduce pain by using non-invasive techniques to decrease pressure from fluid build up (Edema) and help in hindering pain receptor signals. MLD also helps divert excess inflammatory fluid through collateral lymphatic vessels to increase rapid healing of the disrupted vessels and lymphatic pathways. Accelerated recovery, minimizing excess scar tissue development and increased blood circulation around incisions are also benefits of post operative MLD treatments. In turn, by reducing edema build up MLD encourages fresh blood and nutrients into the incision sites effectively, stimulating cellular regeneration. 
  • Pre and Post Operative MLD. Helps increase the metabolic environment of the incision site, stimulates lymphocyte activity, enhances removal of pathogenic cells, and detoxifies the tissue by removing metabolic waste. Essentially helping to lower the risk of infection.



MLD for Detox


“Detoxing”- A modern day popular wellness trend

Many argue that “detoxing” is unnecessary because your body is adept at detoxing itself.

The human body has numerous systems and processes by which it does so: the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs all play a role in detoxification.

The counterargument is that our world is now far more toxic than the human body is evolved to handle. Our food, water, and air overwhelm us every day with harmful chemicals that our detox systems may struggle to manage.

We live in a world with an extraordinary amount of toxins, and how efficiently and effectively our bodies ability to filter out these toxins makes all the difference to our health and well-being.



Most common toxins we encounter:

  • Heavy metals 
  • Chemicals
  • Air pollution 
  • Mold
  • Drugs, alcohol, and medications
  • Food additives
  • Bacteria, fungus, and yeast
  • Certain foods 
  • Chronic stress 



We are not separate from our environment. As the environment becomes increasingly polluted, the toxic burden on our bodies increases as well. This is why it is so important to support our detox organs and systems, like our liver and digestion.

Eating plenty of organic, colorful vegetables and detoxifying our home environment can help reduce our toxic exposure and provide our detox pathways with the necessary phytonutrients to eliminate toxins and fight free radicals.


Lack of sleep, stress, sedentary lifestyle, dirty city air, and poor nutrition are major challenges to healthy lymph function. Lymphatic drainage massage is a light touch gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. This technique is known for its ability to detoxify the body: the lymph nodes hold onto pollution found in our water, air, and food. The purpose of lymphatic drainage massage is to accelerate the drainage of lymphatic fluid. Stimulating your body’s lymph nodes gives your body’s natural detox process a boost, reducing bloating and promoting a sense of well-being.

With these little efforts in your daily routine, you can ensure a healthy immune system. A healthy body is not just about being healthy on the outside but also making sure you have a strong immunity and these natural ways to boost your immune system can help you achieve the goal of a healthy body. Following these tools will reduce the toxins in the body and will provide the needed nutrients which are essential for your health.